Saturday, May 22, 2010


Cartoon KAT-TUN episode 120 where Jin, Junno, Nakamaru and special guest Yanagihara Kanako (who is hilarious)

This is one of my favourite Cartoon KAT-TUN episodes - I love the mushroom and the puppet show. I just generally love Cartoon KAT-TUN, I guess... Anyway, here's little Junno and Jin doing the YMCA, because that part was hilarious (Note how Jin seems to disappear).

Also, I'm gonna post up that Yukan Club review, even though it was booted off my list, because I've already written it. I think Anego may have to be placed higher, though, and another drama may replace it... :S

This is Capeeka, signing out~~~


  1. That's very cute ^^

    I've drawed their fan art too, but it's not look this cute.

  2. hai... can I copy your drawing?
